There is no problem with the Shaman class right now. The only problem is players' stubborn refusal to diversify that deck with some non-overload Neutral Minions.

If one would not bother with class cards for shaman

The point I'm making is that Shaman only pick class cards. That is the problem. For example, I'd be curious to see how many class cards vs nonclass you guys all honestly have. Y'all are undoubtedly the class that picks the single most class cards, every time. I know this for a fact, because whenever I play Shaman I'm blown away that I damn near never see anything but class cards and/or Murlocs. Shaman tend to think that when they experience problems... it's because they must not be Shamaning hard enough. They think "this strategy didn't work... I must need even more overload!".

Overload is not the worst mechanic in the game. But like a RL payday advance, it is probably the mechanic that leads to the worst habits in the game.

It's also hilarious, what shaman consider being "penalized too hard" comes out to magic at the exact final same cost my mage pays- you just have the added benefit of a payday advance early on, if you want it. LOL. Here's what you need to do. Try making an actually balanced deck with some non-shaman cards (and playing like all 8 other classes manage to do). Then when you do in a tough spot, only then whip out the OP overload cards to get out of it. You don't have to insist on unnecessarily overloading yourself so early on that you feel like you're deep in debt at every critical junction down the road later on. That's like the blue collar joe stuck going to the payday check advance store every week and always owning money down the road when he needs it.

Shaman: "He's got 2 2/1 minions out... I better use Lightning Storm or Feral Wolf now!!!" No, you don't have to screw yourself later to get out of a tiny jam now.

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