Is there a premade bar top cabinet that I could go and buy??

Well I was actually giving him links to premade joysticks ect. So really he would just need a few basic tools that you should have around the house anyway. Im sorry you have a small place and a kid and pregnant wife but maybe if your place is so small that you cant sit in the yard for a hour a week and work on a project that maybe you should consider looking for a new place. But Im not sure you realize how little you need. Half of the stuff you are saying isnt even relevant to what me and him were talking about.Like programming , electronics for wiring ect. I was showing him how to do it with the least amount of work as possible. Also "painting supplies?" Like a couple cans of clear coat and hig grade spray paint? Dude if you cant fit a few cans in your place what are you doing trying to raise two kids in the place. It kind of clear you dont know what you are talking about, so why go off on a rant if you are not sure about what you are talking about. Also by the time you made your post he had already said he might just make it himself. You are hours late to the party and just bitching because you have a small apartment. This post was not meant for you, so why act like it was?

/r/RetroPie Thread Parent