Concerned about anxiety, BP & heart rate

If you've not done so yet I'd advise a blood test to rule out high blood pressure. My Panic attacks pretty much stopped overnight when I started taking Propranolol, it's very effective especially at 20mg. If it were down to me I'd still be on them but I was put on another beta blocker called Bisoprolol for the high blood pressure. Not as effective for the physical symptoms of anxiety though when stressed out but still I've had no panic attacks on them either.

As a baseline med I recommend Propranolol to everyone that suffers. It's No1 purpose is to calm down and take the pressure off your heart so if you haven't please try it.

Its 2nd purpose is to stop the feeling of shakiness/trembling even if you're not actually doing so and also to stop the fear in the pit of your stomach and the nausea.

/r/panicdisorder Thread