These are the demands of the DSMBLM movement.

Every single one of those kids is a shit bag. I'm saying that from first hand knowledge because I was a shit bag too. That doesn't mean they will be shit bags the rest of their lives, but society needs a place to keep it's garbage. And yes, tragically, this does mean a disproportionate number of people of color /s. But statistically black people are dumber and violent than the overall population. That's not a racist opinion, that's a statistical fact. The average black man's IQ is in the 80's and even though blacks only make up 13% of our population they commit 52% of it's homicides. White women in interracial relationships are TWICE as likely to be victims of domestic violence. You absolutely should not like the things I'm saying, but you should really evaluate WHY you don't like it. Nothing pisses people off more than the truth.

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