Trading Neon Frost Dragon for 4x Frost dragons. may negotiate.

OMG! Hi I’ve been trying for 2 ye at a to try and get my neon frost dragon back after getting scammed my offer is: Neon Albino Monkey, Mega Unicorn, Four Neon Cerberus, Neon Skele Rex, Neon Trex, normal ride Turtle, neon blue skate board, octopus, Normal Cerberus (ride), and other small adds like just random cars like ice cream truck and that stuff, I can also add some pet acc and I’m trying to get 3 more octopus and 3 more Cerberus to add please I’m over paying so much XD My roblox user is: tayxvxbez (I’m over for ur frost dragon and I’ve been told by so many people and ever rich server I join I can’t seem to find one so please I’m so desperate to get my baby back rn I don’t have the 3 octopus and 3 Cerberus (I do I have the four neon ones and one normal thought) and I will be getting them in two days)

/r/AdoptMeRBX Thread