Unable to Log In? Locked for Unknown Reason? Request for Government Issued ID?

So turns out 2 weeks ago, while I was ironically talking with my boyfriend via "FB Chat" my account was somehow "LOCKED" without prior warning, NOTHING, just locked. Naturally I thought this was a mistake, so I proceeded to log in, just to find out I had to go through an Identification process, WHICH I DID. I went through recognising 5 of my friends, and eventually being asked to submit any form of ID. I will admit at first I was adamant to do so, and considered leaving Facebook permanently, because I was NOT asked any form of ID when I initially created my account 5 years ago. Funny thing is, before this profile I had my even older one closed, because I used to upload my modelling pictures which somehow might have offended a few, though I wasn't even naked on them, and because of it I really wanted OUT of Facebook. But then I thought: "WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY LOCKED ACCOUNT?" Naturally, I didn't want my profile (With pictures, personal/private information, texts, etc.) HANGING IN THERE. So after a few days of thinking about it, I uploaded my Company ID and a bank statement, which are 2 acceptable forms, eventhough I don't trust Facebook because of what's happened to me. Anyway, turns out 2 days later, I receive this: Hi Adrianne, We’ve determined that you are ineligible to use Facebook. To learn more about Facebook’s policies, please review the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities: https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms Unfortunately, for safety and security reasons, we cannot provide additional information as to why your account was disabled. We appreciate your understanding, as this decision is final. Thanks, Lucia Community Operations Facebook At first, I decided enough was enough, and opted to leave it like that, BUT THEN, I put deeper thought into it and thought "Hmmm... Wait a minute, so if my account is still LOCKED, then WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO IT? What will happen to my entire privacy in there?" Of course I tried sending Lucia a reply, but I'm a 100% sure I won't receive a reply. So out of frustration I decided to google about my specific situation, to no avail, because the most similar problem to mine deals with "DISABLED" accounts, and when I tried filling a plea about my account, since my account is not disabled, I can't even contact Facebook about it, because it WON'T LET ME. I know I sound ridiculous venting about it, but I am extremely frustrated, and frankly if somebody could help me, or advice me what to do in order to CLOSE my account, I would be really thankful. I consider it an injustice for Facebook to do this to it's users, because when we create an account, they don't notify us we won't be even able to close it properly, or given prior advice over a specific situation. In case you are all wondering what I might have done wrong, it's something I don't even know, I've done nothing wrong for them to flag my now non existent messages as "Abusive" or "Spam", now thanks to this I have this uncertainty over what will happen to my account, what will happen to the documents I sent for them to verify me, and will Facebook do with it.

/r/FacebookHelp Thread