I(24M) know life gets insanely horrible after college if you don't get a gf and friends in college but still holding out hope. In my last year of grad school now and taking a classes in a brand new city. How can I meet new people and create brand new life here?

No one is grading you on life. Some people are doing much better than you and many are doing much worse - all for various reasons.

Awesome to make health/fitness goals but know you’re still lovable now, too. Make your new workout routine and food prepping fun and not something you dread.

I partied plenty in college in a world-class city, had lots of friends, and don’t hang with any of them anymore - a few on my Facebook but that’s about it. We rarely even like each other’s pics.

People move and lose touch with old friends. People change and dynamics change. Whatever. You’re not alone.

One of my closest friends who I’ve known for a long time is a short, brown, college dropout and he has more friends than anyone I know, hands down. He’s very charismatic, funny, and rare to meet anyone who doesn’t like him. He also hooks up with plenty of women and even women who adore him and want to marry him because he’s an amazing guy, but I don’t think marriage is for him. He’s happy as is.

Not saying you need to be anything like my friend, but one of the most awesome things about getting older is realizing you should be your number one source of happiness, entertainment, and love. Friends and partners are a bonus. One of the things I admire the most about this friend is how much he loves life and doesn’t let setbacks ruin moments for him.

I hope all the goals you make are for your direct benefit and enjoyment. Try not to do things to impress others, receive approval, nor feel like you’re hitting society’s milestones. Make yourself proud and have fun!

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread