Good to see racism is alive and knitting in Orewa.

I assume because they didn't say "I'm gonna punch you in the face cause you're white" but when you get singled out while minding your own business as the only white guy in the room it's pretty obvious. True though, some people are just cunts who's to say. All the fights I've had bar one have been with islanders and Maoris though and I never tried to start any. Maybe they just like fighting more or maybe they like punching white people because they're racist, who knows.

Anyway, this isn't a pp measuring contest of who got the most shit coming up. I actually have genuinely never met a racist person as you describe because fucking 99.9% of people will call them out and if you're that much of a piece of shit to call.someone a hard r niggah (you're not even a nigga anyway so that's dumb asf) then you're pretty much on the outskirts of polite society anyway and not someone most people associate with cause they probably hate you.

I genuinely dont believe racism is as big of a problem as people like to make it out to be. Sure maybe you get called brown or black sometimes or God forbid a fucking cococop (lol). For real though if someone calls you a coon, fuck those people but it isn't affecting your life in any serious capacity.

And like you said, goliwogs don't cross my mind, I don't think about them so it's not an issue for me. I just think an old lady knitting a little black doll is genuinely not a big deal nor is it racist. Personally think they're ugly asf and in poor taste and would probably burn one if someone gave it to me but what do I know.

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