Do I up my DINs?

Sorry I suppose A Framing is the better phrasing, and I track everything with my Garmin for Decent feedback. But maybe not connecting lots at 65, although I was running lines today between 50/60.

I definitely get the outside philosophy it's just I feel like the boot binding connection is the weak point, not my edge & snow. I used a calculator with shop guy and for learning I trusted them at 6.5 but I wanna know if I'm ambitious to jump up to a 7.5 or 8 this early, or if that's too high.

I love knowing on my board I can throw myself as hard as I want at the hill and I'm held in, but right now I don't feel that on my skis.

But that was also where I was asking feedback from people on the hill and they did mention technique and positioning.

/r/Skigear Thread Parent