Valduggery- Yay or nay? (Might as well add a mature warning. This is Reddit, after all.)

I will not give my opinion on whether I like Valduggery or not. I'm just going to say that although Valkyrie is dating Militsa in Bedlam. I believe that it will happen because the whole series is Valduggery between the lines. and they both have had a lot of friction to mean nothing. even some characters have claimed that they are in love like davina, China and even fletcher when they broke up. besides I think Valduggery is going to happen because Derek's girlfriend wants Valduggery and I believe in his Twitter and such that he also plans to do it. I do not understand why Derek to Militsa but I'm sure it will not last long because personally I do not disagree with her being bisexual but I have not just seen her with a girl, I think she's just experimenting and she'll get tired as with fletcher and caelan because she does not love her partners. she needs to go out with someone she loves to have a lasting relationship and she loves Skulduggery. Returning to the topic, if Valduggery becomes a reality that I like or not, I see probable, it will be at the end of everything because you can not deny that we all read the series to see what will happen to these two. It may interest us a little what will happen but most of it is to see if Valduggery happens and if it happens it will pass to the end. Besides, I think that the one who is most in love in Bedlam is Skulduggery and will suffer in sili because he will see Valkyrie with militsay and then something very bad will happen to him and she will realize how much she loves him. if Militsa does not cut with her because she realizes that Valkyrie loves another person that is what has happened to all the characters. to end this bible I do see Valduggery as something disturbing and strange but I can swear that it will end up happening. I will give you a chance when it happens and you? I would like to know your opinion.

/r/SkulReddit Thread