Virustotal confirms Trojan in Torrent provided by Ironmace

I think distributing their binary with no central point of failure, and not addressing this massive issue as an absolute bonfire of a showstopper, and anyone who does not agree with that is naive or complicit in whatever sort of fraud this project is continuing to engage in.

As a fun reminder we didn't find out this indie game had publisher funding (from Tencent and others) until after their legal issues became public.

If you REALLY still want to play the game, I recommend running it isolated on a fresh drive that you can wipe thoroughly when the test is done. I don't wanna be that guy, but, cyberwar is real and kernel level anticheats can be kernel level keyloggers so yeah just... you know, be safe out there kids. Dont lose your etheriums and steam wallets to a state funded military hacking brigade even if they have super good game designers working for them making very good games.

/r/DarkAndDarker Thread Parent