Weekly Discussion Thread

I wasn't going to post here because this is a place for positivity and enjoyable discussion, but I don't want to make a separate post to increase noise when it's not deserved.

I'm tired of the bullying our fandom endures. I'm tired of the constant harping from other fandoms over every little thing, of the dismissive way they treat all of the seven's achievements, and now, of the way a private unintentional mistake is being actively spread as something purposely vile. None of us are saying GOT7 are perfect. None of us are saying they are incapable of being human or making mistakes. If anything they have in the past and have learn from it, but it seems the entire damn Kpop community sees everything they do as black and white.

I'm just tired of all this. I'm a medical student. I spent days on end doing nothing but studying and studying and trying to become a good physician. GOT7 was my little source of entertainment in the chaos of it all. I used to be able to ignore the constant hate but it wears you down. I'm just tired.

/r/Got7 Thread