Weekly Meta, Upcoming [NM] Raffles and Raffle Requests

I think www.brickeconomy.com is probably the easiest way to have mods rubber stamp and verify set value. It was designed to develop an accurate value of Lego sets.

It aggregates all sales from Bricklink/eBay/Amazon and does a good job tracking trends and coming up with a value for retired sets.

Also note - two sets I requested were not approved for being priced too high.

7676 Republic Gunship ($617)

10228 Monster Fighters Haunted House ($520)

I got to these numbers by taking the average of Bricklink sold vs. Bricklink for sale, as I have done with all sets I submitted under rare set rule.

Brickeconomy.com listed both these sets values at $655 and $503 respectively. I think then (and now) the prices I set were not too high and actually quite fair. The rare set pricing rule was eliminated very shortly after.

/r/lego_raffles Thread Parent