John McCain helped build a country that no longer reflects his values

I disagree with John McCain on a great many things. That said, I'm listening to his book right now and the way he explains why he did the things that he did make sense- I disagree with them, but he has a valid and compelling reason and understanding behind it. He also made many political mistakes - for example, his book claims that he picked Palin because he was moping about not getting to pick Lieberman, and that he relied too much on his advisors for that, can't say for sure how true that is or if hindsight is 20/20.

He is an example I used when I said that the other party isn't evil- they want to do the right thing for the country, they just disagree about what that is or how to get there.

Then the republicans finished their transformation into the insane right, elected Donald Trump and my theory has gone out the window.

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