What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Breakfast: Overnight oats with: Dates/Raisins, nuts/seeds, maybe some brown sugar/cinnamon. Green tea
Supplements: Vegan A-Z from boots, Vegan Omega3, Magnesium

Mid morning: Huel shake w/ frozen berries(post workout) or Banana

Lunch: Brown rice, tofu, veg. Or Huel pasta + veg

Afternoon snack: Nuts/seeds or Hummus + carrots or Wholemeal bagel + PB
I created a page to help me pick what to eat:
Either hit random, or each meal has an 'add' button, so you can create a shopping list.
It doesn't have a recipe unfortunately , but you can google for them.

Also highly recommend checking out:
- No meat athelete cookbook - Has some great examples of what to aim to eat each week, e.g. leafy greens, beans, mushrooms, cruciferous veg, etc...
- Happy Pear on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/thehappypear

Everyone's dietary requirements are different, these are things that work for me.
Best of luck in finding things that work for you!

/r/veganuk Thread