What panels/events are you interested in attending? (PAX East 2023)


  • Keynote Speech. This hasn't been added to the schedule yet, but it's always been the first thing on the main stage. A veteran game dev is usually selected to talk about their journey in the industry and gaming in general. It's a great way to start the weekend and let the community vibes settle upon you as you go into the expo hall. (Then again I may want to rush the Nintendo booth first thing to try and beat the hoards. We'll see.)
  • Final Fantasy VII – Environment, Energy, and Capitalism. I love Final Fantasy and I love listening to or participating in discussions on the greater themes that underlie the games and stories we consume. (If I wasn't a such a fan of this I'd probably attend the Q&A #1 that overlaps with this instead)
  • Historians Playing Historical Games: Why Do We Hurt Ourselves? I enjoy learning about how we get things wrong in media relating to reality and historical events. You can see why maybe that choice was made by the creators (if it was a choice), and how it helped increase it's impact or fun. (I'd probably attend the Dungeons and Dragons Online: How Game Devs Build Dungeons LIVE if it didn't overlap with this because I enjoy learning about the processes underlying game dev too.)
  • War. War Never Changes: The Law of War in Gaming. Similar to my reasons for wanting to attend the above panels I enjoy exploring themes and having insights from war vets themselves is invaluable to understanding it from a different perspective.
  • Concert the rest of the night. Think this is obvious.


  • Penny Arcade Q&A No.2 Extreme Flavor Taste?!! Jerry and Kris are hilarious and I always try to make at least one of the PA panels over the weekend. This will likely the be one, BUT I am extremely torn because I want to attend Indie Games are Punk as F*ck. Punk is by far the music that has most influenced me and being in that crowd sounds perfect.
  • Getting Into the Game Industry Part I and II. I would love to get into the game's industry as a writer some day, and even develop my own game so this one is pretty obvious with that in mind. Depending how it goes I might skip out early to have a break before...
  • Mass Effect Fan Retrospective. The best story in a sci-fi game I've ever played. Currently not sure about this one only because there is so much other stuff I'd like to do besides panels and my schedule is getting tight with the expo floor closing at 6PM.
  • Trust, Lust, and UST - Writing Effective Romance in Games (WORKSHOP). I don't read or write romance, but it's a powerful tool for a writer to have at their disposal. Since I'd like to get into writing for games at some point this sounds like a great way to spend the evening before...
  • Concerts.


  • Inspirations and Cautionary Tales of Procedural Generation with Tarn and Zach Adams. A panel with the devs of Dwarf Fortress. I love everything this game aims to achieve. How Procedural Generation plays into video games is only going to get bigger, and I don't want to miss learning from two current masters in wrangling that monster.
  • Why can’t we ever finish a game of Skyrim?! I'm just a Bethesda fanboy so anything about their games involves my people.
  • Axe of the Blood God Presents: Drafting the Ultimate RPG. I could talk about and listen to others talk about RPG design and what makes them good all day. This just sounds like fun, but it conflicts with PAX East Facebook Group Photo which I participate in so I'll need to make a choice.
  • War Stories: Veterans and Gaming! OR The Psychology of Elden Ring: Rise Ye Tarnished OR PAX Community Discord Game Night. The conflict here suuuucks. The two panels sound interesting to me because of reasons that are apparent by now if you've read this far (exploring themes), but I'm also active on the Discord, so I'll probably end up going to the Game Night. It's a bunch of people playing games for prizes, and it's a fun time.
  • Acquisitions Incorporated LIVE! This has been a highlight of every single PAX I've attended. My face usually hurts by the time I leave from smiling and laughing the entire time as the shenanigans unfold on stage.


  • (Digital) Let's Make a Video Game: Developer Commentary Edition OR In this Economy?! A Frank and open discussion on being a content creator. The first one because hearing how gave devs approach their craft is always interesting to me and the second because I do some content creation of my own.
  • TOP SECRET OMEGATHON FINAL ROUND. The best way to end PAX. Watching people play video games with high stakes (Winners get expenses paid trip to PAX of their choice) while Jerry and Kris crack jokes.

On top of those panels I'd like to play a game of DnD, do at least one MTG draft, spend time at the GDQ stage and PAX Arena, maybe try and do the puzzle room if I can convince my friend to join me, and see everything on the expo floor. All while fitting in as much time to try as much food in Boston as possible.

There are other things I'm leaving off here that I'd like to attend, but likely will have to miss because of time. Going to be a full weekend if everything works out. Can't wait!

/r/PAX Thread