Weekly Rant Megathread

lost 300 LP on this patch, permanently going bot 4 despite hitting my board between 4-1 and 4-5 with 70-40 HP in ~90% of my games. I just bleed out. I tried Spellslinger, MF flex, Heart, Gagdeteen Flex, Sureshot, Threats, Viego, Built Different, Yuumi, Anima Squad. I always see other people do well with these but I never do well. My stage 4 and 5 is almost never stable despite having 6/8 units upgraded, including 2-4 upgraded 4costs. I feel like this is the most consistent I have ever been in terms of strictly managing my economy and health into an upgraded level 8 board, but I just lose all the time.

I'm aware that a portion of the losses can be attributed to bad RNG. But whenever Im in a lucky position, it feels like im barely getting a 5th.

/r/CompetitiveTFT Thread