What platforms are you using to trade with and why? Long term / Short term?

I use eToro, which i know a number of people would tell you to avoid.

However, I've really had no trouble with it. No commision on trades, little bit of a fee on leverage trades and international deposits but nothing unexpected. The withdrawal fee of $5 is pittance, you can make it back in 30 seconds with a x5 leverage punt on Tesla. My stop losses and take profits have always ticked correctly.

That said, there are a few issues. they can be a bit of a prick - they changed the spread on BTC for instance, they took away leverage for a wee in June while due to 'volatility', and their customer service is poor. It's definitely a bit shit for day trading with occasional lag in trades closing, but I'm not really into that so Oh Well.

They miss a few UK stocks that I'd like, which is a bit frustrating.

I really like the 'copy portfolio' facility - so you can assign a chunk of capital to 'track' another investor and their investments. Useful for me, as a non-expert, to reduce risk of my overall portfolio and get a bit more exposure.

/r/UKInvesting Thread