what is this sub

I think most people are getting mad and slandering projared for a multitude of potential reasons. The male population who is against the man is probably unable to find a relatioship and so they have such a reaction, or maybe they cannot get away with doing so themselves or even maybe they are virtue signalling or a complex mix of reasons. The thing is that some men such as myself are Chads, this means I can pretty much mate with any woman I want because the woman will want to mate with me, this leads to cheating being known as a bad thing because the majority says it is and the majority of people are the 80% of men left over from the 20% of men which all women prefer to mate with (you guys should just accept the fact that this is evolution and that some men are just genetically superior and deserve to mate to pass down the better genes.). Anyway the idea of cheating is more complex than what SomeOridinaryGamers thinks of it (the man is biased because he is clearly not a chad and doesn't like other men using more than one woman in order to increase his chances at having one himself.

The act of cheating is different between men and woman, you see when a man cheats on a woman, he does it because he is genetically coded to prioritize physical features, this is because of the highly competitive nature of men due to how expendable men are since a single man can impregnante every woman on earth, anyway, this means that men will be driven to mate as frequently and with as many females as possible since this will lead to success (out of their control). On the other hand, females tend to prefer mating with one male which they believe to be the most fit so that all their children will be healthy instead of rolling the dice like men, this is because a woman had to give a lot more to the creation of children since they get pregnant and this means they can't afford to take chances with the less fit. Similarly, women prefer the man to stay in order to contribute protection and provide for the female while she is child baring. The male on the other hand has a better chance at success if he leaves and mates with as many females as possible (the man that did this had more offspring wich then resulted in men not forming emotional bonds and leaving relationships more frquently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DClJto5XyTE You see, a cheating man is still in love with his wife to a higher degree of thinking but when a woman cheats, she formes a higher thinking order love with the new male she agreed to mate with. Pro Jared probably dumped his wife because she revealed her true colours as not being understanding and attempting to damage Pro Jared's career and probably attempting to drain him in the divorce (this is how most women are, as soon as something bad happens they will compeltly turn on you, but men can not since society locks them into marriage and gives them much less leverage). Anyway, obviously ProJared is a victim here and is being discriminated against by his other thirsty males who can't get laid (the reason the Asian population is so large is because men cannot be identified easilly and therefore can cheat without undeserved negative consequences from the other men's shameless, hypocritical competition). Now, if ProJared was cheating on his wife and fornicating with another woman who took his picture to expose him, it seems like the other woman is to blame but in reality, ProJared's wife should just let it go and stop trying to complain to get white knights and rewards for being cheated on, she is just going to walk outside and is guaranteed to find a mate whereas men are not.

In conclusion ProJared is innocent and you should learn something about fanbases, they are not your friend, you make one mistake and they will not be tolerant, they will completly turn on you, you are court jesture to them as they watch your videos, all you are is a toy which they will get bored of, you aren't a human to them, and they are not friends. ProJared made a mistake when he thaught he could have a facecam internet career and be married aswell, either that or this whole thing is a joke for attention or maybe he was just druged, who knows.

But stop slandering projared and acting like you wouldn't have done the same in the off chance that you could even lose your virginity like the alpha males (me and projared).

/r/faiz Thread Parent