where to start as beginner?

Here’s some other games if you want (my personal favorites), though this list is definitely the place to start:

Uprising vs. Outluls (S3 Week 3): https://youtu.be/eOI-517tvkc - Why? An instant classic (El Classico, aka the Toiletbowl) was a really, really, really horribly played game, but holy shit was it fun to watch (even as Outlaws fan)

Dynasty vs. Dragons (May Melee Finals): https://youtu.be/_JTPzewEszo - Why? I can’t spoil who wins, but it’s a really, really good match

Shock vs Titans (S2 Stage 1 Finals): https://youtu.be/-irQfZWjxbk - Why? Best GOATS game of all time and while it’s no longer meta, it’s just such a fun match overall

Reign vs. Shock (S2 Playoffs): https://youtu.be/RbSYIgQ80NQ - Why? This match has literally everything an OWL fan could want: an upset, a legendary C9, and a map 7 game

Valiant vs. Titans (S2 Stage 3): https://youtu.be/6MXdcuXbkiQ - Why? As an Ana main, this game was so fucking inspirational, it’s super good gameplay overall too

Dragons vs Spitfire (S2 Play-ins): https://youtu.be/AcIZWyH3Dq0 - Why? This was the first ever map 8 game and it was a well played game all around

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