Will I ever be able to replace Ranmar?

Honestly, this is why I hate how monster abilities work in MHST. We see monsters of all sorts climb, jump, roar, etc… all of the damn time in the core games, so why are these abilities locked to specific monsties in stories?

Rather than locking the abilities behind certain monsties in order to prevent you from accessing areas in the game they should have linked them to the kinstone level and allowed all the monsties to perform the basic movement abilities.

This would have opened up the opportunity to give monsties more unique abilities as well; maybe give Velocidrome a dash that lets you quickly move around instead of a generic jump that literally every monster should be capable of…

Maybe I’m just annoyed that after several decades Gamefreak finally came to terms with how stupid HM slaves were and Capcom failed to take note…

/r/MonsterHunterStories Thread