Yeah. Ya done fucked ur shit up

That's just about everywhere. The housing situation in America is insane. Wanna know why people from California are moving to Montana? Look at the housing prices in just about any California city. The entire west coast is becoming unaffordable for just about everybody and the east coast is nearly as bad. I'm glad we bought during the dip. I'd hate to be trying to buy a house right now. Everywhere changes. The only places that don't are the places wrecked by collapsing industries like the rust belt and coal country. The only reason people feel, "alienated" are because they're resistant to change and don't like outsiders. People have always moved around a lot and they bring a little bit of where they're from with them. Now it's craft beer before it was Italian food and Irish pubs or whatever else past migrants to the area brought with them. Outside of places like Amish country, no community lives in a vacuum. Change is inevitable. You can either go with the flow or be miserable. Better to live in a place that's growing than one that's dying. I grew up in a county in rural Tennessee that was so adamant about keeping the outside world at bay that they restricted business growth with draconian zoning laws and blue laws and fought the state to keep a highway bypass from coming through. Now the county is dying. 40 years ago it was a quaint little town but now it's a depressing place where the kids that do well in school all leave to places with better prospects and the ones that are left have nothing to do but get high on meth and heroin. When an area has negative economic and population growth things get real bad, real fast. I'm sorry that the place you call home has changed in ways that make you uncomfortable but it could be changing in a lot worse ways.

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