Why is your ex an ex?

We weren't officially in a relationship, but that's kinda why we're “exes”. She was amazing. She was pretty, genuinely found my shitty jokes to be funny, smiled constantly, and was generally a bit pleasant person to always have around. We stayed over at each others' places, went out on dinner dates (though we never actually called them dates), and found dumb excuses to text each other or simply hang out. We saw each other on a daily basis, always left parties together, etc. Plus, we were nearly best friends before we started getting “involved”.

We spent all day together on Valentine's Day. Finally, I decided to just be super blunt. “So are we dating?” She answered as though I asked a different question. “Yeah, but are we dating?” She dodged the question again.

She just wasn't ready for an actual relationship. She got out of a relationship late December and for her New Year resolution, decided to not get into a relationship that year. I foolishly thought that she might change her mind. But no, she's one to make a decision and stick with it.

It's a shame. We were genuinely happy with each other. And I'm certain that would still be the case. She gradually stopped talking to me and went her own way. I was okay with dropping the romance and just continuing being friends. She wasn't. It sucks. I lost a good friend, but I don't think that I could just be her friend without ever sharing how I felt.

This was about four years ago. As far as I know, she's still single. Maybe some day, I'll hit her up and see if we can give it another go. I don't know. She lives in another state now.

/r/AskReddit Thread