Quebec IWW calls for "Radicalization of the May 1st 2015 [General] Strike": "A single day of strikes is not enough to push back a government which dearly protects the financial assets of the most dominant in society. We believe that a global revolt of all society must emerge during the spring."

The fact that people do not relate to one another based on a shared experience of class says more about the success of capitalism and bourgeois values more than the failure of class analysis.

I agree 100%, friend. A class analysis of still fundamentally relevant to our present time. There are still only two classes: The working class and the employing class. I do not mean to suggest that we should retreat entirely on this point, however, I do feel that it has become a point of struggle that should not be pivotal to our agitation. The lack of self-identification with the working class is one reason for this, and a major roadblock (one I'm not sure we can overcome). Another reason though, is that our contemporary era has seen the emergence of a general social interest. People in both the working class and the middle class (if I may stray from the IWW's definition for a moment, and speak purely on what people identify as), have a reason to oppose the vast ecological damage that is affecting their cities (ie. floods, droughts, scorching heat, hurricanes, acid rain, etc.). Both classes also have reason to oppose the absorption of all social life and sense of community by massive urban belts that we call “cities" (despite lacking any self of community or citizenship found in historical cities past). Rather, these urban belts have become massive centers of anti-social life, interaction between anonymous buyers and sellers, and alienated people spiritually withering away in their homes.

The class struggle must not be forgotten. The “Long Memory" that the IWW carries with it is of the utmost importance. But if we are to successfully build a mass movement with millions of people, enough to challenge capital, I believe we must appeal to this general social interest, and so Libertarian Municipalism must be a part of this, and a pivotal part at that.

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