341 words Challenge: Use MSM sources to convince someone to seek the truth elsewhere. (from alternative sources). AKA: "wake someone up" 302 words Going deeper on Nuclear 9/11 483 words Is there a "light" side of the "Force?" On "White" magick, communes, and the existence of God. 406 words Is there a "light" side of the "Force?" On "White" magick, communes, and the existence of God. 338 words Does this ISS footage bother anyone else? 1,161 words Self-Programming? What are your techniques to change yourself? 420 words Speaking of culture and cultural appropriation, isn't it interesting how we put FULL blame on Middle East culture and don't even spend a second examining our Western culture and how overly sexualized it is. 259 words Why Does "The Greater Evil" Care About Our Mortal Bodies? 376 words There is an interesting difference between this amateur video that goes "into space" and the corporate sponsored Red Bull dive. 668 words Why is Abortion? 255 words Has anyone ever heard of the "Miracle of the Sun"? 353 words Is Trump actually working for the Democrats? 339 words Do people ever tell you that you think too much or suggest you "turn your mind off" for a movie or something? What have you noticed about those people? 515 words Do people ever tell you that you think too much or suggest you "turn your mind off" for a movie or something? What have you noticed about those people? 1,145 words Do people ever tell you that you think too much or suggest you "turn your mind off" for a movie or something? What have you noticed about those people? 666 words [Discussion] Even those who considered themselves awake or enlightened are just dancing to the tune of someone telling them they're enlightened and awake. 355 words Premise: The concept of paid shills is promoted by people with monetary interests in promoting alternative theories.