121 words Does anyone actually do iterative agile? 336 words Why do you stay at your current company? 162 words How is the Performance of Developers/Engineers Measured in Top Level (including FAANG) Companies? 483 words Bad job storytime 340 words 9 Years Into Career...Hate It but Resigned to Fact 129 words Is Amazon as bad as people say it is? 223 words What are some "LifeProTips" for experienced devs? 189 words Designers and PMs constantly talking about how they need to 'find things to give devs to do'. I am highly disturbed whenever I hear this statement. How can I change their mindset? 102 words Angry and depressed from stupid layoffs 220 words Best company for dev with bad anxiety? 179 words Joining a startup because I think the equity might be worth it? 311 words This morning a hard decision was finalized 139 words As experienced devs, it's OK to burn bridges. 141 words How do you keep up with an ever growing list of "things" to keep up with? 283 words Extremely difficult coworker: twelve months in, I am at a loss what to do 564 words Devs who left a cushy job for the startup/entrepreneurship/consulting/small business life, how did it go? 187 words [meta] Should we have a resume review mega-thread for the experienced developers? 149 words Frustrated with team lead 155 words How much does you personally liking the language influence you when applying for jobs? 119 words Sysadmin, turned DevOps engineer...trying to implement TDD (Test Drive Development), and getting a lot of resistance, i can't understand why. Can anyone help provide insight?