Best company for dev with bad anxiety?

I feel like in going to get downvoted for this, but Amazon has been great for me and my anxiety. I was fired from my previous company due to the way I would end up acting under tight deadlines or unrealistic pressure. I'd get really snappy and lash out if I felt people were asking me to do more when I was already overloaded.

Here, I had an initial poor interaction with my manager but then I spilled the beans as to why i acted that way and all the pressure I was feeling about overwhelming deadlines. My manager, my skip manager, and my principal engineer all separately advised me that deadlines are goals but missing them doesnt actually matter and I should focus on the impact I'm delivering and not sabotage myself worrying about deadlines.

Its helped a lot, and now that my anxiety issues are out there it's been easier to bring up the fact that I'm feeling anxious much earlier which also helps keep it manageable.

Never have I ever worked anywhere that I've received this much support. In all the smaller companies my managers pretty much acted like I was the problem and I needed to go.

YMMV. Some people have bad experiences here. I think it all really depends on the people in your org.

/r/ExperiencedDevs Thread