157 words When the Super Friends meet the Immortal Sun it gets awkward. 178 words Nicol's Newcomer Monday! 193 words Wilderness Reclamation is awful to play against 160 words Any game is either die in 5 turn from RDW or die in 30 turns from a variant of 3 colored control decks. What do? 139 words Fixing the wildcard problem for Constructed 204 words My first Sealed, try to go 7 wins, asking for advice. 132 words Frustrated? Try playing with the deck you hate. 155 words Can you please not ? 103 words Deck-list: 1st Place World Magic Cup 2018 218 words So long Arena, see you later (I hope) 471 words Changing the Reward Structure is fine, silently and completely destroying it while doing so is not. WotC, why do you find it acceptable for the reward structure of constructed events to get worse by a factor of TEN? 126 words So after about 14 turns, the game decided to constantly let me know which cards I was going to draw next... I don't have any interaction in this deck that could create this ability. 124 words People who say Counterspells aren't interactive, are you also playing RDW where you shoot your opponent's face? 520 words 0-3 four times in a row in Dominaria draft, and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Any tips? 146 words I wonder if Insta-Ban will show players why instant speed interaction is so important to a balanced and healthy MtG. 127 words The only thing as a new player that this game has taught me, is that my is nothing compared to inroad players. 266 words As a total beginner, what kind of investment should I realistically expect to get in and stand a chance; at first and moving forward. 188 words Nicol's Newcomer Monday! 183 words How do so many people have full on meta decks on day 3? Why are so many at bronze tier 4? 121 words 15 minutes and 38 [[Rat Colony]] latter ...