192 words Countries whose capital is not their largest city [1357x628] 209 words The British Origins of America's Political Divide [493x472] 247 words Where Australia's prime ministers have been born and cumulative days with prime minister born in each state or country. [OC] [6300x6466] 161 words Italy in 1796 - [853 × 1,024] 371 words Language Areas of Belgium - green: Dutch ; blue-green: French/Dutch ; green: French ; orange: German [1280 × 1019] 299 words America’s GDP split geographically, 50-50[5000X3864] 195 words Normal date of peak summer temperatures in U.S./Canada [1948x1526] [OC] 160 words World map by which side of the road countries drive on [2048x1426] 301 words Percent of Population with German Ancestry by Congressional District[6900x4132] 196 words Coastlines of the Ice Age - Sahul / Australia [6957x6356] [OC] 319 words Indo-european Language Map [1765x1481] 193 words Illegal drug flow and cartel presence of Mexico and the contiguous U.S. [940x2478] 860 words Map showing countries which were never invaded by the British.[800 x 664] 286 words A map of nations when asked the question "Which country is the largest threat to world peace?", in 2013 [X-post from /r/europe] [1920x1080] 404 words A map of nations when asked the question "Which country is the largest threat to world peace?", in 2013 [X-post from /r/europe] [1920x1080] 256 words The distribution of the predominant Islamic madhhab (school of law) followed in majority-Muslim countries and regions [OS] [1245 × 604] 161 words [UPDATED] People Who Don't Speak English As Their First Language [OC] [8773x6203] 224 words Someone thought it was a good idea to translate brazilian states to english [600x533] 172 words Map of the counties in the US where 75% of population live voted in 2016 US Election [5100 x 3300] Mass. Is not included Yet 181 words The Armenian Genocide - 1915 [5000 x 3476]