Percent of Population with German Ancestry by Congressional District[6900x4132]

Oh boy we got a smug European. Here in America, we pay more taxes than many European countries and corporate taxes are higher than even Scandanavia. Americans have long recognizes the value of taxation, but that does not mean we will agree to the welfare states of many European countries. Individualism, capitalism and self sufficiency are all at home in America. You make accusations of us building up ghettos when in reality, minority groups in America are becoming increasingly successful. African Americans have seen their proportion of the top 1% expand from basically non to 4% in 30 years. The highest earning ethnic groups in America come from all over. Indian Americans are currently the wealthiest ethnic group in the world followed by many more American minorities. America, having the best universities, scientific output and research in the world as well as the economic opportunity offered by our philosophy of individualism is a beacon for the talented from all over the world to make a better life for themselves. After Europe was repaired from the World Wars with American charity through the Marshall plan, you experienced significant growth, but Europe pales in comparison to America in almost every aspect. In class mobility, education, science, medical output. Furthermore, your aging populations will put increasing strain on your state run economic systems. Europe is in a demographic and economic decline that it will never recover from. Unless you're from Switzerland or Ireland, in which case you should have more respect for American individualism, then your country is faced with economic woes in the future that will disrupt your system of welfare and taxation. By the way, all of this is coming from a second generation immigrant from a poor, country who has risen up the social ladder based on merit. Something you don't see in Europe.

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