149 words My family’s Yankee Swap is so intense that we make all 30 people use the same wrapping paper so no one knows who brought what. 130 words Pigeon sitting down 176 words My dad’s handwriting on this blank cassette case 164 words Crack on My Phone Lines Up Perfectly w/ Another Post From Here 270 words Just discovered the Grinch in my floorboard. 293 words This moth looks like a pug. 126 words This tiny Japanese Black Pine is 105+ years old. 307 words This was the sky in my neighborhood today. If you flip the image it looks like water. 168 words I kept my hotel key cards from my first year working for the airlines 135 words Road patch up in a penis shape 165 words I decided to randomly change my smoke detector batteries exactly 1 year since I changed them last time 143 words My Dr Pepper that began exploding, set outside in the cold mid-fizz. 139 words I asked the owner of a junkyard "what was the coolest thing he's found in a car?" and he showed me this. 206 words I'm sorry about the bad quality, this is a red jet contrail after sunset. 227 words Required by law to offer Chips and Salsa 146 words Uber driver hair formed a perfect 25. 166 words My house stinks horribly from this area of my basement under the staircase. Would anyone know what would it be based on looking at this? Could it be rat pee or mold or anything of that nature? 128 words Asked how to get unbanned from r/askreddit, got this response 305 words The longer you look at it, the weirder it gets.. 313 words Frozen waterfall that broke off