347 words Rush Limbaugh on the Resurrection of Christ -- i can't believe we've been reduced to this 234 words How many guys on this sub grew up with the notion that they would get married, be the sole provider, and have your wife stay at home? 141 words How many guys on this sub grew up with the notion that they would get married, be the sole provider, and have your wife stay at home? 139 words Another conspiracy 129 words Democrat-run LA Public School Teaching Kids “Allah is One True God” 650 words Church Militant has learned from reliable sources that Pope Francis has directed Cdl. Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. be spirited out of the United States before Wuerl can be arrested by U.S. federal authorities. (CENSORED on /r/Catholicism) 369 words Ratzinger says that the purpose of dialogue between religions is not about conversion (60 years of lies from the Vatican). 123 words Do Traditional Catholics have to accept Vatican II? 175 words I am grateful for this subreddit now more than ever. 293 words Immodesty and Bad Dads - Maccabee Society 213 words Some questions to Fr Ripperger's talk on music 605 words Is Feeneyism Catholic? 220 words The most important document to remember. That a Pope, whom appears to have deviated from the faith, is automatically excommunicated and was never the Pope. 195 words The most important document to remember. That a Pope, whom appears to have deviated from the faith, is automatically excommunicated and was never the Pope. 176 words Liturgy Of The Hours - Praying Time