250 words I get to name a new humanoid dinosaur class, order, family, genus, and species that I discovered. 117 words Aliens are not, and cannot be a national security risk. We need to nip this in the bud. Stop. 120 words Has this photo from Alan Lewis been debunked? 181 words What's going on right now? ( Pentagon/UFO'S) 169 words Bloodless Cattle Mutilations - Linda Moulton Howe 169 words I saw an alien at age eight. To afraid to say anything and am still afraid of it now. I can’t be the only one! 281 words Wishing to discuss the topic of ET's visiting Earth. 129 words If aliens have such advanced air crafts that are able to defy gravity, what other types of tech could they posses? 190 words Over 200,000 People Are Interested In Storming Area 51 In September 190 words Maine one of states with most UFO sightings, analysis finds 224 words UFO hovering over my house right now 493 words Florida company offers alien abduction insurance 152 words Large object hovering at 35,000 ft above Mexico, October 18th 218 words For all those who doubt Alien life exists. 150 words How many of you actually sit outside at night to spend time staring at the stars? 676 words Do you believe in aliens? 223 words How do you think aliens found our solar system? 404 words I want to believe, can anyone show me any concrete evidence that aliens exist and have visited earth, if not then there's no more evidence for aliens than God! 334 words Dear Aliens....what do you want them to know? 384 words Me and my friends ran into negative entities recently.