I get to name a new humanoid dinosaur class, order, family, genus, and species that I discovered.

Since you seem to be a skeptic I will resort to drastic measures to try to get the picture through to you. He basically taught me paleontology, and you are saying he was joshing me? So University if Michigan are not adults? The theory of relativity referenced one paper. I am looking at how to write one pro. I only need money and equipment to get the major details of the findings. Evolution is an exact science, talking about it in a conversation should be a hard copy of the deepest truth for the paper. He addressed the fact that I never brought up the meteorite "spalling", or deterioration of matter, and that it made him change his mind. He was saying no to me easily before, what, he got scared? This person found a dinosaur bone and the museum took it away to be fully researched: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/08/200811204537.htm This needs aerospace analysis before paleontological work so we will see where we go from there. He repeatedly confirmed the features and got a little confused because he did not understand meteorites. I know the most here, I sent him a proffesional and courteous email

With my find though, it has already matched existing animals (Human) so we could deduce immediately that it was human and he was confirming that. It was not until I found the human-like vertibrae that we came to any conclusion, like I said I misspelled a word and that altered his opinion.

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