154 words Atom shop misleading rip off. Buyer beware, you will not receive what is in the picture. 195 words To The Best Buy Employee Who Tried His Best To Convince Me Not To Buy This Game 137 words Player Vending - Weapons and Armor - Add Legendary vs Non-Legendary Categories 250 words ...And youtubers are hating on nuclear winter for views and likes 181 words If Bethesda were to decide to add human NPCs to the game, they could use a vault opening to add a population of vault dwellers or even ghouls and then let the player base decide the story arch for that population based on tracked statistics from all the servers. 265 words The reason why I will be locking my door from now on. 138 words hit the wall at 700hrs 143 words Is Fallout 76 worth a redownload? 138 words How has fallout 76 changed since launch? 274 words Tips for levelling for a returning day 1 player 128 words Don’t you think Gutsy’s are a little too... I don’t know... gutsy? 260 words Alright, which one of you owns this C.A.M.P.? 264 words Another Patch, another meltdown, another alternate perspective 150 words Like it or not, raiders are a part of this living world Bethesda is trying to create. 179 words Hazmat suit should fit over armor just as other outfits somehow do. 159 words A few tips for Raiders and people playing as the bad guy in the wasteland. 152 words Stolen Launch Opportunity 137 words How Bethesda Can Fix the Duplication Exploits for Good 432 words Master List of Quality of Life Requests for the Live Team. (Version 6.0, Jan 2, 2019) 133 words I love Fallout 76