Another Patch, another meltdown, another alternate perspective

I agree with the overall sentiment here and so I'll upvote. Every patch brings a load of improvements but there are usually some very questionable changes as well. This is what people focus on the most and it leads to an exaggerated response. No doubt about that. But I think that your idea of "most players aren't affected so it's not important" is not only false but a dangerous mentality.

In regards to the demo expert Nerf:

"The damage bonus it previously provided was very high and was causing balance problems, especially when combined with the Explosive Rounds Legendary mod"

More like ONLY when combined with explosive rounds. Explosive weapons are still tragically under powered especially for their weight : (

The White Knight Nerf actually makes sense but it is rightfully ill regarded. The problem being that ballistic fiber is simply too boring and too hard to farm. You may play more casually, ignoring or rarely engaging in end-game content but this is a major kick in the teeth to the people who invest the most time and effort into this game.

That is just from the latest patch. Let's not forget the non-sensical Nerf to event cool-downs and such. My point being, while I agree that people tend to overreact, it is not a good idea to throw your hands up and say "this doesn't affect me so whatever". I think Bethesda would have had a much better reaction if they made an effort to lace in some of the much needed buffs with the nerfs. So it isn't all take and no give.

/r/fo76 Thread