281 words Yesterday a former Saudi general and an Israeli diplomat gave a groundbreaking speech at the Council on Foreign Relations. Here's an extract of the Saudi speech 641 words Here’s Osama Bin Laden’s Letter to the American People 286 words Anatomy of an Info-War: How Russia’s Propaganda Machine Works, and How to Counter It 1,186 words Russia Hedges Over Stalin’s Legacy 332 words How does geography and warfare today work? [Using ISIS as an example] 342 words What's the likelihood of an Israeli nuclear strike on Iran? 499 words The Great Eurasian Game: One author's take on the connections between Ukraine, Syria, Iran, and the South China Sea 1,296 words The Obama Doctrine and Iran: "Our core interests are that everybody is living in peace, that it is orderly, that our allies are not being attacked, that children are not having barrel bombs dropped on them, that massive displacements aren’t taking place." 336 words Can the United States and China avoid a Thucydides Trap? 248 words What do bombs in Yemen mean for Russia's oil industry? 303 words Was Nevile Chamberlain's Appeasement Policy Really Wong (or is it just a bad rap)? 307 words Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community- PDF Warning 396 words The Resurgence of a Nuclear USA and Russia 348 words "Besides goods, what can China export to maximize its global influence?" [x-post from /r/NeutralPolitics] 363 words Why is the US friends with Saudi Arabia and not Iran? 367 words Facing Up To The Democratic Recession [pdf] 398 words Facing Up To The Democratic Recession [pdf] 592 words Do you think the US is playing power politics or playing 52 card pick up? 815 words My take on US foreign policy towards Russia and Ukraine.