487 words What happened to German Orphans after WW2? 511 words Was Nicholas tesla really as good as he is portrayed by social media? 433 words 100 Years Ago Today: Battle of Verdun starts 942 words Learning to Read in Medieval Times 580 words The Scotsman posts laughably inaccurate article in honor of the death of Mary Queen of Scots 511 words Question: When in history has there been the smallest wage gap? 293 words How were muslims treated in colonial America? 338 words Deadly book in real history 349 words Why is Tojo not infamous like Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, and others? 433 words If I was teleported to 100 bc England, what would happen to me? 306 words What is your favourite military disaster and why? 402 words A New Way to Buy European Timber Look Tiles 1,298 words Would it be possible to create a YouTube list/collection which is a documentary tour of every country in the world; comprised of all the best docs about each? And, if so, will you guys help me make it? 275 words Ride The Trolley in San Francisco -- In 1906 304 words One of the darkest moments in Filipino American History 354 words What are examples of an individual in power giving up their power out of kindness? 359 words Someone found an old medal belonging to my grandfather's uncle on a beach in England. Story and a photo of him inside. 345 words Scans suggest Queen Nefertiti may lie concealed in King Tut's tomb 484 words What was Kaiser Wilhelm's reaction on learning about Czar Nicholas's death? 432 words Worst Generals in History or The biggest military blunders in history