195 words re-reading everything (except hiveswap) to see why everyone hates the epilogue and ^2 613 words Epilogues - Dave is being "woke" ironically, right? 733 words The Rise And Fall Of Homestuck! 286 words [S] Great Homestuck Reread Discussion. DAY 63, ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 6: PAGES 7960-8126 389 words [S] Great Homestuck Reread Discussion. DAY 44, ACT 6 ACT 5: PAGES 5788-5926 182 words [S] Great Homestuck Reread Discussion. DAY 42, ACT 6 ACT 5: PAGES 5512-5682 165 words Why do you hate Eridan Ampora? Forum/Poll. 276 words Can't stop, won't stop 932 words Trying to bring me_irl into the discord 209 words The Grubbles- Broom Temperature 217 words Dumb Homestuck Idea 370 words ITT: Post your normal speaking voice and we tell you which Homestuck character your voice reminds us of! 274 words We need to address the rampant robophobia in this subreddit 1,836 words this is what the bee movie 1,832 words this is what the bee movie 1,889 words this is what the bee movie 490 words Sorry, it's Vriska discussion time again. And also Paradox Space. Basically Opinions and you know what they say about opinions! We've all got one and they all stink. (lets try to be civil) Your thoughts would be appreciated. 954 words Sorry, it's Vriska discussion time again. And also Paradox Space. Basically Opinions and you know what they say about opinions! We've all got one and they all stink. (lets try to be civil) Your thoughts would be appreciated. 290 words A reminder: "YOU DO NOT HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO TALK PROFESSIONALISM WITH ME." (AKA the Bill Bolin story) 0 words DEATH GUN DEATH GUN DEAAATHGUN SHIT BOY!