158 words Excel Esports vs. G2 Esports / LEC 2020 Spring - Week 5 / Post-Match Discussion 126 words TSM is the only profitable organization according to Leena 159 words Why are people obsessed with using guides? 166 words The worst feeling in league, from a top laner without a jungler. 163 words Unwinnable game in silver 2(maybe a rant,maybe not idk) 225 words Excel's Tore weigh in on the controversy of Mickey rage quitting during scrims at Golden Guardians: "It’s just rumours – there are so many crazy rumours. It’s really weird people talk about stuff they’ve heard that might be true as if it’s 100% true." 162 words Is ADC Still Able to Carry? 141 words Never forget how insanely difficult this game is 142 words Never forget how insanely difficult this game is 310 words Aphelios and his lack of visual clarity for opponents = not hard to play but to play against | left PBE too early? 131 words Aphelios 1 shot quadra, disgusting 137 words There's too many champions in the game. This is a real issue 145 words Final Confirmed LCS Rosters 194 words Thorin/Loco weren't clout chasers, ListenLoco Over for forseeable future 253 words Why do Ranked games start players in Gold? 198 words Pro Player K0u Passed Away Sunday 156 words [ESPN] SK Gaming will sign former AD Hoc Gaming support Dino "LIMIT" Tot as their starting support. 135 words "Invisible Nunu Bug" not fixed yet? 145 words Rumor: Former JDG ADC Bvoy to join LEC 151 words What was the point of franchising, Academy League, and the Scouting Grounds if LCS teams don't even utilize the players there?