130 words Fnatic not represented in new World's Song 214 words What are the hardest champions in the game. 310 words Lowkey Esports vs. Hong Kong Attitude / 2019 World Championship Play-In - Group C / Post-Match Discussion 326 words Isurus Gaming vs. Splyce / 2019 World Championship Play-In - Group B / Post-Match Discussion 135 words Pleasant Post-Game Chat 105 words Former Laker Rick Fox Sues Esports Team Partners, Alleges Rampant Fraud 147 words Galio, Cho'gath or Sion??? 260 words EUW/EUNE/RU Clash Test LFG Megathread 194 words Why is G2 ranked ahead of SKT but not TL ahead of IG? 317 words Caps discusses his G2 Esports move and his fire LEC season 128 words I'd love it if they unbanned flaming. 266 words Final tickets went up for sale 2 hours early,everything has been sold out and botted tickets are already being resold for 400 euros a piece how is this acceptable??? 215 words How can anyone take Hashinshin seriously anymore? 272 words Akali got changed 10 times since her rework (list inside) and still causes problems. It baffles me how this champion could be released in her original state. 238 words ! Spoilers - TL vs C9 - LCS Merch Email Ruined my night. 226 words What causes everyone's hatred toward riot? 279 words League of no cooldowns is a huge reason why I stopped playing the game. 240 words Afreeca Freecs vs. SK Telecom T1 / LCK 2019 Summer Playoffs - Wildcard / Post-Match Discussion 122 words How is Yasuo up for buffs with a 50% win rate and 40% ban rate ? 225 words Getting flamed as a jungler - does it stop? I'm starting to get exhausted.