133 words The fact that this is a thing. 136 words That's bullsh*t 135 words Instagram "influencers" are renting sets to pretend they take private flights 149 words These people that don’t cover their noses 148 words my school charges me and my sister an extra $1,200 each for not being catholic 123 words The inequality in the US right now 188 words My wife says we need a "bigger dishwasher" because ours only fits 3 bowls and a couple mugs on the top shelf. This kills me. 139 words My deviantART notifications are overfilling with fake likes. Someone's slowly botting likes on one of my drawings with hijacked accounts that get banned within a week. 350 words 48 hours. Thats how long it took my teen daughter to lose one of her Air pods she got for Christmas. 166 words Useless subtitles... 893 words The media covering a story 203 words It pisses me off when people can't do simple math 129 words This morning I accidentally left my winter gloves in the library next to the computer I used to print my final paper. After handing in my final, I went back to the library to try to find them. I was told everything left in the library gets put on the free cart. Guess whos gloves were gone in 30 min? 474 words This question on the Best Buy training test 228 words The HDMI is not in the middel 123 words Seems fair 184 words Hey dude, can you hand me my soda? 126 words Why would only 1 be out of order? 139 words Whenever I take my mom to a movie theater she immediately does this, then proceeds to complain that someone is sitting in front her. 130 words This