136 words My GFs friends are getting married, these are some of the items on their registry. Not even the worst of it. 345 words Saw this being shared on Facebook. This is Illegal, right? I bet there’s a lot of shady shit going on with the money this school steals from it students.. 160 words How few groceries $165 gets you these days 223 words how do i react to this from my dad? (explanation below) 173 words toddler proof paint job 118 words Model X plugged in and hasn’t moved for 3 months. For some reason the apartment complex refuses to tow it 139 words Asked for “no cheese. No mayo” on my burger. It had cheese on it. So I got a replacement and my replacement has cheese on it 161 words The cake (Tres Leches) my wife spent hours doing and her sister thinks $35 is super expensive 100 words Asked for a $30 bottle of Tito’s was told there weren’t any by delivery driver. Received stolen Sky instead as a replacement. Went to Target to check… Target had a full shelf… Reported the thief. 204 words And people still use tiktok like its the fucking greatest shit in the universe. 165 words My disabled younger brother is getting harassed and bullied at school, we finally found one of the accounts making fun of him and Instagram apparently sees no problem with bullying a disabled minor. 153 words The fees, taxes and tip is almost equal to the cost of the food ordered 150 words Someone shot my cat with a powerfull airsoft gun and the pellet traveled to the other side of his body and is now stuck in him now we need it to get removed. WHO THE FUCK WOULD SHOOT A CAT!!?? 129 words Yup, more is the answer 171 words My husband received a ticket for parking in front of out house between 3:30am-5am. There are NO signs on my street saying it isn't allowed. According to the woman at the municipal court, it's a town ordinance. 220 words Almost lit a cigarette with this free lighter from a vendor my company uses. 164 words My friend is at the Golden State Warriors game and was handed this. 117 words Is this a joke!? 144 words Amazon destroys my property and leaves the evidence 185 words Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted