This question on the Best Buy training test

I worked there around 15 years ago. I hated being forced to push subscriptions. So I just never did it. I don't think that I had a single person to sign up for one. I was one of the best that the store had so no one ever said anything to me.

Screw working there. It sucked.

One day there were a bunch of stuff stolen in the back of the music area which was fairly isolated. I was in the media department which was music, DVDs, games, and software. A couple people handled just music, which was physically separated from the rest of the media department, and the rest of us did DVDs, games, and software.

Since it took a long time to find the wrappers back in that isolated part of music no one knew when the stuff was stolen. So they wrote up every single media employee who worked that way, even the people who were not assigned to music even though it's physically fucking impossible for me to monitor that part of the store when I was doing what I was assigned to do. I was written up for something that wasn't remotely my goddamn fault.

After that we were given clipboards to sign every 15 minutes in every sub section of media saying that someone swept the area looking for theft. If you were helping a customer for more than 15 minutes, which happened often, too bad. You didn't sign the board in your area. You're in trouble. Oh, there's only two of us working all four parts of media that day? You two better better sign all 4 boards every 15 minutes while also attending to all customers.

We got a new media supervisor at one point. He was great. He actually cared. He went above and beyond and did things like special "horror classics" displays when a big horror movie was released. He did custom touches a bunch and it showed. There was so much improvement in our department that this new supervisor was brought to give a speech in front of Best Buy big wigs about what he did that increased sales to much.

When the big wigs heard about all the extra stuff that the was doing they were furious. How dare he do anything other than the minimal corporate assigned setups. They demanded that he stop immediately. Instead of realizing that this is why we has so much growth and applying it elsewhere they stopped the very thing that was making them more money. And we were a corporate test store. My Best Buy was one where they try out new ideas to see if it worked before rolling it out to everywhere else. He had new ideas. They worked extremely well. They forced him to stop anyway.

He was soul crushed and stopped caring at all after that.

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