145 words Google AMP is Not a Good Thing - "If this were to become widely adopted, you’d search for something, get results, consume the content, and you’d never leave Google." 607 words How are Programming languages created? Are they made with an existing programming language? If so, how was the first programming language made if there were no other programming languages? 382 words Reboot Your Dreamliner Every 248 Days To Avoid Integer Overflow 218 words How to pretend you have social skills 218 words Visual Studio Code July 2018 159 words I just could not agree more with this guy 120 words Computer science as a lost art 818 words UW CS Lecturer Explains "Why Women Don't Code"; Chaos Ensues 141 words Writing a simple JSON parser 109 words 10x Performance Increases: Optimizing a Static Site 128 words The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2018 216 words The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2018 127 words EA Async implements async-await methods in Java 123 words Micosoft's DirectX SDK examples are literally garbage code. 200+ line functions, 30+ global variables, unnamed constants, over 90% badly written C that is supposed to be C++, tons of macros - all of these in each example! How are we supposed to learn from this? 132 words Kotlin: A massive leap forward 182 words Electron is Cancer 253 words DeepMind learns chess from scratch, beats the best chess engines within hours of learning. 161 words I Don't Like Your Examples! 342 words What are the Most Disliked Programming Languages? 260 words 8 years ago I asked a question here and wanted to see if opinions have changed: would you hire a programmer that does not write code recreationally?