Visual Studio Code July 2018

That's just a matter of people not bothering to support Windows because they think it's not designed for developing with how hard it is to set up anything. It's self-fulfilling that way. On Mac you have the problem of keeping up to date because Apple drops support for old Xcode versions.

Here's something Windows is objectively better at: setting environment variables.

Login shells on Mac are kinda fucked.

Windows and Linux do what you'd expect. Mac will do stupid shit like rearrange your path at some phases of the init process.

And of course there's the one problem everyone eventually hits: When you try to get environment variables to take effect in GUI programs, you find a bunch of articles about Environment.plist, which is deprecated in favor of writing launchd scripts, which are a pain in the ass because you have to log out and log in again for them to take effect.

If you've never run into this it's probably because you live in terminal all day. If that's the case, why pay the premium for a MacBook when there are high quality laptops you can install Linux on for much less?

I'm not speaking as someone who is super familiar with Windows, either. I used a MacBook Pro as my primary development machine from 2012 to 2017.

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