406 words Favorite PvP moments. Share your stories from any game! 427 words Getting pretty sick of pre-order bonuses. 731 words How to stop caring about achievements? 360 words Why Natural Selection 2 is dead, or will be dead soon. 279 words Open World RPG is the new military FPS 613 words I want to talk about how "addictiveness" is received by the video game community. 1,048 words Have consoles lost plug and playability? 594 words Some Negative Thoughts About the Fallout 4 Presentation at E3 514 words The Last of Us', and its Effect on the Future of Video Game Narrative 1,758 words Why The Witcher 3's story fails just like its predecessors did. 435 words How do gaming articles and reviews from major mainstream publications (Time, The New Yorker, etc.) stack up against those from gaming-specific publications (PC Gamer, Gamespot, etc.)? 323 words Is having a "sniper" or "sniper rifle" really beneficial to a shooter? 409 words A hypothetical question: What kind of content does a game need to deliver to be condemned by males as a game primarily marketed for female gamers? 467 words Why do some games resort to making you an unrealistic killing machine, even when it's unnecessary? 303 words What makes/hinders a Video Game from being Art (Opinions/Discussion) 534 words How far are we from procedural generated plots? 702 words Does Gears of War, in terms of story and characters, get more criticism than it deserves? 397 words To all older gamers, how do you find that balance between gaming and everyday life? 923 words A question for those who have been playing games since the 70s: how did you EXPECT the medium to evolve? 716 words Steam's cut of the market in regards to mods.