Why Natural Selection 2 is dead, or will be dead soon.

I'm somewhat torn on this game. I grabbed a 4 pack a couple years ago during a sale since it seemed like a game my friends would enjoy - something a little more varied than just another monotonous FPS face-clicker.

Our first few rounds were spent playing as the aliens since the human side filled to capacity almost instantly. From what we saw it seemed like no one wanted to play as the aliens. Thankfully we had a dedicated commander but still struggled to fill a team each time. During the rounds our teammates constantly gave up and left resulting in very one-sided conclusions.

A little later we joined a room that had space on the human side and what seemed like helpful players with mics. They said they were a group that plays together often and would try to give us a bit of a crash course while we played. The thing is that nobody wanted to play commander. One of the "vets" kindly said he would walk one of us through commanding a mission and since my shooting-game was off that night I decided to step up to the plate.

Well... they didn't really give me any pointers or general help at all. They didn't suggest any course of action, instead all they did was critique what I had already done and not in a helpful way either. Instead of saying why placing X structure in Y location was a bad idea I was just told things like "That was stupid". Yeah, great lessons guys. The losses were then blamed on just me. Granted the commander position is make or break but don't put a new player at the helm, promise some guidance and then just use them as a scapegoat for the loss.

I'd like to play the game again just to get my moneys worth but I doubt that will happen. It doesn't help that my friends are sadly the impatient type that only have fun when they win - grown men with no patience, it drives me nuts. That said, does anyone know how refunding a 4-pack works if you've gifted away the other three copies?

/r/truegaming Thread