234 words What is the hype around Titanfall 2? How does this differ from other twitch shooters such as Call of Duty Advanced Warfare? 752 words 30+ gamer: how do you find new games and what makes them an instant buy? 346 words PSA: /r/GameSociety has been revived, come check us out! 195 words Do you think that simulation games will become a tool for testing (political) policies? 379 words What are some genres/settings you really think is undervalued in the game industry? 190 words How should a game with mature themes tell its story through the gameplay? Should the game be more explicit and uncensored? 224 words The "Netflix" gaming dillema: binge-playing vs. playing bit by bit. 885 words Games With Obscured Mysteries 226 words Why did the original xbox outsold the gamecube? 532 words Which game has made you feel like a true explorer? 532 words Which game has made you feel like a true explorer? 311 words Games with a great narrative? 191 words What is your unpopular opinion? 1,389 words [Spoilers] Whats Your theory on Inside ending? 328 words Does an RPG having opposite sex from yours as the protagonist alter your immersion? 309 words What is Nintendo's key strategy for achieving high profits, stable long term growth and a boost in reputation? 400 words Are you worried about VR canibalizing common gameplay focused gaming? 282 words Power fantasies and the appeal of recent cinematic games like Uncharted 4 391 words I gotta ask about COD 355 words Why are WW2 games so damn popular?