375 words Meghan Markle accused of bullying by former Kensington Palace aides 195 words Are younger people planning to take the jab? 126 words Conservative Party investigating Havant councillor Ken Smith over social media post attacking Black Lives Matter movement 433 words UK Supreme Court rules Uber drivers are workers 133 words London loses carbon futures trading to Amsterdam, in Brexit hit to City 124 words Renters in England set to be allowed to keep 'well-behaved pets' 279 words British celebrity and influencer culture makes me feel so inadequate 119 words The information warriors fighting 'robot zombie army' of coronavirus sceptics | The Anti-Virus website takes on figures like Toby Young and Allison Pearson - and its creators think it has them on the run 148 words This is what the NHS frontline staff are having to deal with. I have no words. 154 words UK announces record Covid deaths as hospitals “overwhelmed” - BBC News 161 words Nicola Sturgeon accused of putting UK vaccine programme in jeopardy amid transparency row over deliveries 169 words Devi Sridhar: The UK needs a zero-Covid strategy to prevent endless lockdowns - To avoid restrictions next winter, the UK must seek to eliminate the virus, not merely suppress it, argues the Edinburgh professor of global public health. 150 words Coronavirus: Women on exercise trip "surrounded by police" 123 words Rishi Sunak unveils £4.6bn relief package for UK retail and hospitality sectors 122 words National lockdown must be imposed within 24 hours, says Labour leader 186 words NHS staff fear speaking out over crisis in English hospitals - Nurses alarmed at staffing levels, infection control and myths spreading on social media 132 words Just been out to Morrisons 142 words Pay gap in Britain between executives and workers 'obscene', says union 180 words Food bills to rise without Brexit deal as shops face £3bn ‘tariff bombshell’ 730 words All 357 MPs who voted to reinstate law-breaking clauses in Brexit bill